Richard Wurmbrand, WRM part-4, July 10,1992, WRM-videos, MTP


Adaugat de Uploader in Videoclipuri in 15 Sep 2011.


Rev. Wurmbrand describes that Jesus shares all human afflictions. Describes that the fetus recoils from being aborted. Describes that one in five persons lives under communism. Describes pastor who was starved, with hands tied behind his back, forced to slurp his meal off the floor which was covered with human excrement that had first been dumped on his head and then fallen to the floor on which his food was placed. The prisoners would make music with their chains, and sing to the glory of God.

The WRM-videos, "WRM part-1" through "WRM part-7", are parts of a speech by the Reverend Richard Wurmbrand as given on July 10, 1992 in Waukesha, Wisconsin, as was sponsored by The Missionaries to the Preborn (MTP). The President of MTP, Matthew Trewhella, has given his signed permission for anyone to freely copy and distribute all or any portion of the videos over the Internet, provided that they do not charge a fee for it. The letter by Rev. Trewhella is undated, but was postmarked by MTP to me on January 29, 2008.