Richard Wurmbrand, WRM part-6, July 10,1992, WRM-videos, MTP


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Rev. Wurmbrand describes that in the abortion battle, it is important to seek the conversion of its proponents. Describes that the prison torturers grumble that it is very hard work to torture people. During the torturers' work-break, a female prisoner persuades a torturer to consider that love produces a better life for himself, than cruelty. She speaks to him of the love of Christ. He concludes by demanding of her at gunpoint that she baptize him. He experiences a real conversion, and risks his life for Christ.

The WRM-videos, "WRM part-1" through "WRM part-7", are parts of a speech by the Reverend Richard Wurmbrand as given on July 10, 1992 in Waukesha, Wisconsin, as was sponsored by The Missionaries to the Preborn (MTP). The President of MTP, Matthew Trewhella, has given his signed permission for anyone to freely copy and distribute all or any portion of the videos over the Internet, provided that they do not charge a fee for it. The letter by Rev. Trewhella is undated, but was postmarked by MTP to me on January 29, 2008.