Richard Wurmbrand, WRM part-1, July 10,1992, WRM-videos MTP
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in 15 Sep 2011.
This is part-one of the seven-part Richard Wurmbrand series. The other parts are on YouTube . com. The sound quality in this seven-part series is sometimes poor, but it improves in other parts. In WRM part-1, Rev. Wurmbrand introduces his wife; describes their forced separation while in prison; describes the 1st commandment as being "to listen". Describes Hebrew meaning of "word" - as meaning "the real thing"; and, "to tell" - as meaning "to give a gem".
The WRM-videos, "WRM part-1" through "WRM part-7", are all posted on, and are parts of a speech by the Reverend Richard Wurmbrand as given on July 10, 1992 in Waukesha, Wisconsin, as was sponsored by The Missionaries to the Preborn (MTP). The President of MTP, Matthew Trewhella, has given his signed permission for anyone to freely copy and distribute all or any portion of the videos over the Internet, provided that they do not charge a fee for it. The letter by Rev. Trewhella is undated, but was postmarked by MTP to me on January 29, 2008. A small segment of this first video (WRM part-1) has been deleted, because there was a small defect in the tape which I received from MTP.