Are you coming home tonight?

1. Where art thou, wand’ring sinner?
What is thy portion tonight?
Bound in the fetters of Satan,
Oh, will you return to the light?

* Refrain:
Are you coming? Are you coming?
Are you coming home tonight?
Are you coming? Are you coming?
Are you coming home tonight?

2. Lost in a barren desert,
Dark is the kingdom you roam;
Sinner, there’s danger foreboding,
Oh, flee, for there’s safety at home.

3. No peace within thy bosom,
No lasting comfort you know;
Come, then, to love’s peaceful dwelling,
Where fountains of happiness flow.

4. Mercy is calling, sinner,
Jesus has suffered for thee;
He’ll bring you home to the Father,
Where there is a welcome so free.