All because we do not love them

1. Many souls today are dying,
Sin and sorrow is their lot;
Darkness shrouds them with its mantle,
All because we love them not.

* Refrain:
All because we do not love them,
Millions fill the heathen grave;
Brother, can you see them perish,
When a little love would save?

2. Brother, can we guiltless linger,
When to us the truth is giv’n?
Tearless, see the heathen dying,
Without God or hope of heav’n?

3. Love brought Jesus down from glory,
On the cruel cross to die;
Can we say we love the heathen,
If we turn away their cry?

4. Love undying, love eternal—
Love will send us o’er the wave,
Will impel us to our duty,
Helpless heathen souls to save.

5. Jesus said, "Go, teach all nations";
They are lost if we delay;
Can we face Him at the judgment,
If His word we disobey?