Abiding in jesus

1. I’m abiding in Jesus, what a blessed place!
I am sure He kindly cares for me;
He will never forsake me if I trust His grace,
In His cleansing blood, I now am free.

* Refrain:
I’m abiding in the Savior’s love,
He kindly cares for me;
I’m abiding in the Savior’s love;
In Him my soul is free.

2. I’m abiding in Jesus, what a cheering thought!
Earthly joys grow dim and pass away;
I am happy in knowing that His grace has brought
Pleasures rich that never will decay.

3. I’m abiding in Jesus everywhere I go,
In His sweet embrace, I’m safe from harm;
Of His spirit in fullness we may surely know,
I am leaning on the Savior’s arm.

4. I’m abiding in Jesus, oh, His rest is sweet!
And His grace will foil the tempter’s pow’r;
Life eternal with gladness in my soul complete,
Is a source of bliss to me each hour.