Christ, the great physician

1. The blessed Christ of God I see,
In that fair land of Galilee,
He speaks in loving words to me,
"I am the Great Physician."
* Refrain:
Healed by the Great Physician,
Healed by the Great Physician,
Glory to God! He saves the soul,
Maketh the suff’ring body whole;
Thus at His feet my burdens roll,
Healed by the Great Physician.
2. With all my heart I do believe,
I dare not doubt, His Spirit grieve;
Each suff’ring one He will relieve—
Christ is the Great Physician.
3. With great compassion Christ was stirred
While He the plea of suff’ring heard,
He spoke the great life-giving word,
"I am the Great Physician."
4. He saved the soul from sin and shame,
He healed the sick, the blind, the lame;
I know His pow’r is just the same—
Christ is the Great Physician.