Be careful

1. Little feet, be very careful where you go,
As in life you daily travel to and fro;
Never for a moment stray
From the straight and holy way;
Oh, be careful, be careful, little feet.
2. Little hands, be very careful what you do,
Wrong or thoughtless actions you will surely rue;
Into mischief never go,
For ’tis very wrong, you know;
Oh, be careful, be careful, little hands.
3. Little ears, be very careful what you hear,
When the tempter whispers to you, danger’s near;
Though he promise everything,
Every promise is a sting!
Oh, be careful, be careful, little ears.
4. Little hearts, be very careful to be true,
Love the Lord and He will surely care for you;
Jesus will not enter in
Where there is the least of sin;
Oh, be careful, be careful, little hearts.