Honey in the Rock

# O my brother, do you know the Savior,
Who is wondrous, kind, and true?
He’s the Rock of your salvation!
There’s honey in the Rock for you.

* Refrain:
Oh, there’s honey in the Rock, my brother;
There’s honey in the Rock for you.
Leave your sins for the Blood to cover;
There’s honey in the Rock for you.

# Have you tasted that the Lord is gracious?
Do you walk in the way that’s new?
Have you drunk from the living fountain?
There’s honey in the Rock for you.
# Do you pray unto God the Father,
"What wilt Thou have me to do?"
Never fear, He will surely answer,
There’s honey in the Rock for you.
# Then go out through the streets and byways,
Preach the Word to the many or few;
Say to every fallen brother,
There’s honey in the Rock for you