Hell Take You Through

# In the midst of joy and blessing,
And when all the way seems bright,
Clouds may come which seem distressing,
And they may obscure the light;
Though you weep at night with sorrow,
And the gloom oppresses you,
Joy is sure to come tomorrow,
He’ll take you through, He’ll take you through.

* Refrain:
He’ll take you through, however you’re tried;
His tender care is never denied;
Then always trust His promise so true,
He’ll take you through, He’ll take you through.

# It may seem God does not hear you,
And withholds the gift you seek,
Then just learn to trust His silence
When the Father does not speak;
Let your heart new courage borrow,
For His promises are true,
He’ll reward your faith tomorrow,
He’ll take you through, He’ll take you through.
# Think not strange of fiery trial,
Which is sent your faith to try,
Though it mean great self-denial
To live for Him, or to die;
Count it joy to share Christ’s sorrow,
Gladness then will come to you,
For there’s sure a bright tomorrow,
He’ll take you through, He’ll take you through.
# When affliction is upon you,
You may say, as Job of old,
"When He’s tested, when He’s tried me,
I shall then come forth as gold";
Then take courage in your sorrow,
Cease your sighs, let tears be few,
Just remember on the morrow,
He’ll take you through, He’ll take you through.
# Then, O brother, never waver,
Even though in prison cast,
Though you lose all worldly favor,
You will gain a crown at last;
And when trials all have ended,
If to Jesus you’ve been true,
Then the pearly gates will open,
He’ll take you through, He’ll take you through