I Have Left All the World to Follow Jesus

1. In this world I found no rest,
Sorrow filled my aching breast,
Till I turned to One who loved me best of all;
Oh, what sacred peace I find,
Since my all I have resigned!
I have left all the world to follow Jesus.
* Refrain:
I have left all the world to follow Jesus,
Never backward to its follies will I turn;
Oh, I’m on my upward way,
And it’s brighter every day;
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus.
2. Oh, what wondrous joy He gives,
While His Spirit in me lives,
For it is my meat and drink to do His will;
He the treasure I adore,
Brightens all my way before;
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus.
3. I am wholly sanctified,
Walking closely by His side,
I will ever cling to Him, my all in all;
Sweetly doth His presence fill,
While I sink into His will,
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus.
4. Earthly treasures fade away,
As I travel day by day
Up the shining way that leads to glory bright;
Soon I’ll gain eternal rest
With the ransomed and the blest;
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus.