I Cannot Be Idle

# I cannot be idle, for Jesus says, "Go
And work in My harvest today;
And then at the evening, when labor is done,
Whatever is right I will pay."

* Refrain:
Then away to the work I will go,
And join in the reaping of grain,
And back from the harvest with beautiful sheaves,
I’ll come with rejoicing again.

# I cannot be idle, the fields are so white,
And numberless sheaves will be lost;
They perish for want of more reapers to save,
How awful to think of the cost!
# I cannot be idle, soon time will be o’er,
And reaping be ended for aye;
I’ll gather the lost from the byways of sin
To walk in the beautiful way.
# I cannot be idle, no time for repose,
My resting shall be over there,
Where all of the faithful in heaven above
A crown of bright glory shall wear.